Stainless steel, combination lock, acrylic paint, pencil, canvas and stretcher.
不锈钢, 结合锁, 丙烯颜料, 铅笔, 麻布和担架.
互联网These stools were sanded, then hand - painted with high quality acrylic paint.
These凳子被打磨, 然后手工绘高品质丙烯酸涂料.
互联网The water - based paints with gouache, acrylic paint can.
水性 的用水粉颜料 、 丙烯颜料均可.
互联网Many artists like to use acrylic paint for technical illustratio because of its fast - drying nature.
互联网Many artists like to use acrylic paint for technical illustrations because of its fast - drying nature.
互联网The company mainly produces colored acrylic, acrylic paint and polyurethane, such as high temperature paint.
本公司主要生产各色丙烯酸 、 丙烯酸聚氨脂漆以及耐高温漆等.
互联网General acrylic paint, wall paint is a water - based application of a wide range of external coatings.
漆将军丙烯酸外墙漆是一种应用性广泛的 水性 外墙涂料.
互联网In fact, UV curing component epoxy acrylic paint, clear acrylic lines such as acidlowpolymer and monosomic.
实际上, UV油墨的固化成分,是环氧丙烯酸酯等丙烯酸系的低聚物和单体.
互联网ADD COLOR Tint the trimmed black - and - white photocopies as desired with a wash of acrylic paint.
在 黑白 影印图片上薄薄地涂上一层丙烯酸漆,你可以将它们涂成任何你喜欢的样子.
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